• a proficiency exam 能力考试
    • 为英语为非母语(not your first language)的人设立的
  • The IELTS and TOEFL exams are two most popular English proficiency exams.
  • a requirement 要求
    • An English exam was a requirement to apply for a work visa in Canada.
  • widely accepted 被广泛接受
    • The IELTS and TOEFL exams are recognised by over 12000 academic institutions all over the world.
  • to be valid
    • IELTS and TOEFL exam certificates are always valid for two years before you have to retake the test.
  • computer-based
    • The TOEFL is a computer-based exam; it's not done on paper.
  • on paper 纸质试卷
    • The IELTS test can be taken on paper in the traditional way.
  • a test centre 考试中心
    • 托福考试可以在家里或在官方考试中心以上机形式进行。
    • 雅思考试很可能要在考试中心进行
    • 如果是为了申请大学,请务必确认该大学是否承认家庭版考试
  • face to face 面对面
    • 雅思口语考试一直都采取现场面对面的形式,需要与考官进行 15 分钟的简短对话
  • to assess 评估
    • 考试会评估拼写 spelling,这是最基本的部分
    • 除了 speaking 以外,listening、reading、writing 都会评估拼写
  • to demonstrate accuracy 展示准确性
    • Examiners expect candidates to demonstrate accuracy in their writing and avoid mistakes.
  • an error 错误



不要这样写:😕She realized her dream of travelling.


American SpellingBritish Spelling
-er / -recenter,metercetre, metre
-or / -ourcolor, favoritecolour, favourite
-z / -sorganize, realizationorganise, realisation
-l / -lltraveling, modelingtravelling, modelling
-ed / -tdreamed, learneddreamt, learnt
  • British English spelling: I'm very organised when travelling.
  • American English spelling: I'm very organized when traveling.


  • assessment criteria 评估标准
    • Clear pronunciation is another aspect of the assessment for global proficiency exams.
  • fluency and coherence 流利程度和条理性
    • 可以用填充词,比如 um, well, 和 That's a good question... 不过尽量不要使用太多,否则会看起来你在犹豫
    • To improve coherence, you should learn a wide range of linking phrases to help you connect your idea logically.
  • lexical resource 词汇量(雅思)
    • 托福用的术语是 language use
  • grammatical range and accuracy 语法范围和准确性
    • 口头和书面表达中使用一系列不同的 时态
    • 即使考官的问题可能是现在时态,也使用一系列时态(现在时态、过去时态和将来时态)来回答是很重要的,这样就可以获得更高的分数。
  • pronunciation 发音




  • 英音(60% - 70%)
  • 澳音(15% - 20%)
  • 美音(10% - 15%)
  • 杂音(5%)


  • regional 地域性
    • English is an offical language in over 60 countries, so there are many regional varieties of English spoken.

建议找一些来自澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大和南非国家/地区的播客或者 Youtube 视频。

  • universal 通用
  • slang 俚语
    • 地方俚语很难理解
    • shortened language
    • 具有地域性,雅思和托福不会考察
  • diverse 多元
  • a lingua franca 通用语
    • English is used as a lingua franca in international business.




  • to find something appealing 找到有吸引力的学科
    • I absolutely loved studying maths at school. I found it very appealing.
  • to be fond of 喜欢
  • my absolute favourite 我最喜欢的
    • History and politics were my absolute favourite subjects as a teenager.
    • My absolute favorite subjects at high school was computer science. I just love coding and building apps.
  • to dread something 极度害怕某事
  • I can't stand... 我受不了...
    • When I was younger, I couldn't stand going to school. I found studying unappealing.



  • for example / for instance 例如...
    • I spend lots of time with my family. For example, we always eat together in the evenings.
  • an example of this 这方面的一个示例是...
    • My and my brother have similar interests. An example of this is that we both like karate.


  • Just the other day... 举一个前不久发生的具体例子
    • My dad's an excellent cook. Just the other day, he made the most delicious Thai green curry from scratch.
  • I remember once... 举一个过去已经完成的事件的具体例子
  • When I was a younger... 举一个你童年的具体例子


My dad often asks me for help. An example of this is with technology. Just the other day he forgot his email password.


  • How often do you listen to music?
    • 可以综合多个时态
    • I listen to music every single day.
    • I'm going to a music festival next weekend.
    • I was actually listening to music last night.
    • I often listen to music at night to relax. For example, last night I was listening to some jazz music while cooking.


  • current affairs 时事
  • the press 新闻媒体
    • The role of the press in a democracy is to inform members of the public and hold people in power accountable. 新闻媒体在民主国家中的作用时向公众提供信息,并追究当权者的责任。
  • to flick through 翻阅
  • tabloid 小报
  • biased 有偏见的
  • well-informed 消息灵通的


  • 原句:I love reading about important news issues.
    • 改述:I enjoy news reading to current affairs.

I find reading news online more appealing than reading newspapers to help me stay well-informed about current affairs.



We use linking phrases to connect ideas and show the relationship between them. 我们使用连接词来连接想法,并展示它们之间的关系。

展示对比:Even though technology is useful, it has some downsides.

  • fist of all
  • To start with... 首先
  • Secondly... 其次……
    • 连接词 「secondly」会向你的考官发出信号,表示你将会提到其他相似的要点。
  • Moreover... 此外……
  • Additionally... 此外……
  • Similarly... 此外/同样……



  1. 表明你的主要观点(main opinion)
  • While there are some drawbacks to children using VR, I'd say it can be very beneficial in education.
  1. 然后给出支持理由(supporting reason)
  • Children should use VR headsets since they can help them improve coordination skills.

考官评估的是 coherence(能够以条理分明、合乎逻辑的方式表达我们的想法)。

  • Certainly! 当然
  • Absolutely not! 绝对不是

Some people are very good at time management and learn a lot from having real responsibility. However, for others, having a side hustle can mean they have less time and energy to spend on their university assignments.

  • I take your point... 我理解你的观点……



  • 托福口语考试的第一部分:paired choice question(两个选项,选择一个偏好选项并陈述理由)

Do you perfer to study alone when you are preparing for a big examination? Or, do you believe that studying in a group is a better way to prepare?

  • "Children should not be allowed to use virtual reality headsets.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

  • negatively impact

  • a positive impact

Virtual reality can be beneficial in education, since it makes learning highly interactive and engaging. 虚拟现实对教育有益,因为它使学习具有高度的互动性和吸引力。

  • to be problematic 有问题的
  • a downside 缺点
    • A downside of virtual reality headsets is that they have high upfront costs, so not everyone can afford them. 虚拟现实眼镜的一个缺点是它们的前期成本很高,因此并非每个人都能负担得起。


  • 《剑桥雅思真题》
    • 可以考虑 7 - 10 作为熟悉题型
    • 11 - 19 开始学习技巧和策略,积累单词等等