B2 中高级
第 2 章:情绪

第 2 章:情绪


  • The most difficult thing I've ever experienced is the COVID pandemic.

London lockdown

  • It's difficult to know how to feel right now. 现在很难说这是什么感觉。
  • Everybody is feeling a little weird. 所有人都觉得有点不寻常。
    • weird /wɪrd/ adj. 怪诞的;神秘而可怕的;超然的

可以用现在进行时(present continuous) I'm feeling 或者一般现在时(prsent simple)I feel 讨论感受。现在进行时偏向于强调某种情绪。

  • I feel weird. 我觉得不寻常。
  • We're all feeling a little weird. 我们都觉得有点不寻常。
  • We don't have the freedom we used to have. 我们不再拥有曾经拥有的自由。
  • All this confusion and uncertainty makes us very uncomfortable. 所有这些困惑和不确定性让我们非常不舒服。

我们有时候会使用 (are) you okay? 代替 how are you?

  • Are you okay?
  • No, I'm feeling weird. 😔


  • If your emotion is loneliness, maybe you’re missing a friend. 如果你感到孤独,可能是在想念朋友。

  • frustrated (adj) 沮丧的(形容词)

  • frustrating (adj) 令人沮丧的(形容词)

    • This situation is really frustrating.
  • frustration (n) 沮丧(名词)

  • There was a lot of confusion. 前途未卜,一片迷茫。

  • In this situation, it was very easy to feel isolated. 在这种情况下,很容易感到孤立。

  • I often feel quite uncomfortable when talking about my feelings. 在谈我的感受时,我经常会感到很不自在。


  • What has this year been like for you? 你今年过得怎么样?
  • This year has been very difficult for me. 我今年过得很艰难。
  • This year has been very difficult for me. I lost my job at the start of the pandemic, and I've been feeling very frustrated.
  • I hope that soon I'll feel excited about new professional opportunities. 希望不久的将来,能有新的职业机会能让我感到兴奋不已。
  • I've learned that it's important to talk about my feelings. 我懂得了谈论自己的感受很重要。
  • I've been using my time to study and it's made a huge difference. 我一直在利用我的时间学习,并取得了巨大改观。

I've been feeling a bit troubled lately. I've realized that work pressure is really high. The situation is very frustrating because I'm struggling to balance work and life. Despite this, I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude and hope to find a solution.