

  • 搭配是单词的自然组合,因为这些搭配的意思通常难以猜测,所以必须努力学习
  • 一些搭配在英语为母语的人听起来就是「不对」,比如:fast cars 而不是 quick cars
fast cars
fast food
quick cars
quick food
a quick glance
a quick meal
a fast glance
a fast meal
  • 一些搭配是固定的,比如 take a photo,换其他词都会改变意思
  • 有的比较开放,比如:keep to / stick to the rules
  • make an effort,不用 do:You must make an effort and study for your exams.
  • watch TV,不用 look at
  • powerful engine 而不用 strong
  • ancient monument 不用 antique(古董的)
  • 最自然的表达:smoking is strictly forbiddensmoking is strongly forbidden 更自然
  • 更生动、更传神更准确:It was bitterly cold and pitch dark,而不用重复地说 It was very cold and very dark.
  • 改进写作风格:poverty breeds crime 代替 poverty causes crime;a substantial meal 代替 a big meal



  • bright color
  • brief chat
  • major problem
  • key issue


  • The economy boomed in the 1990s.
  • The company has grown and now employs 50 more people than last year.
  • company has expanded
  • The two companies merged
  • launched the product
  • The price increase poses a problem for us. (is a problem)
  • created opportunities

名词 + 名词

  • a surge of anger
    • surge /sɜːrdʒ/ n. (感情等)洋溢, 奔放
  • a sense of pride
  • a pang of nostalgia
    • pang n. 突然的剧痛
    • nostalgia /nəˈstældʒə/ n. 对往事的怀恋, 怀旧
    • I felt a pang of nostalgia when I saw the old photos of the village where I grew up.




  • happily married 幸福的婚姻
  • fully aware 充分意识到
  • blissfully unaware 充满喜悦地毫不知情
    • blissfully /'blisfuli/ adv. 幸福地,充满喜悦地


pretty awful, pretty dreadful, pretty dull 听起来就很不正式,典型的口语说法

  • 口头英语
    • bored stiff 正式用法: extremely bored
    • give me a ring 正式用法: give me a phone call
  • 正式英语
  • 报刊英语
  • 商务英语
    • to submit a tender 提交投标书
      • Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work. 然后建筑商们将会接到设计说明并被邀请参与此项工程的投标。
    • to raise capital 筹集资金
      • ability to raise capital 融资能力
    • to go into partnership with someone 合伙:与某人合伙
      • partnership /ˈpɑːrtnərʃɪp/
    • to start up a business 开办企业

