Unit 1

Unit 1 Growing up


  • 构成名词,描述某事物的状态
  • childhood n. 童年, 儿童时代
  • adulthood n. 成人期
  • fatherhood n. 父亲的身份,父性,父权
  • motherhood n. 母亲身份
    • I always felt that Mary was not equipped for motherhood. 我总认为玛丽不具备做母亲的条件。


  • adolescence /ˌædə'lɛsns/ n. (不可数)青春期(一般指成年以前由 13 至 15 的发育期)
    • He had a troubled adolescence. 他有一个不安的青春期。
  • adolescent n.(可数)青少年
  • teenager n. (可数)(13-19 岁)的青少年


  • relate v. 有联系
    • v. 讲述;叙述;讲
      • She related the events of the previous week to the police.
    • relate to sb/sth
    • relate to sb 理解,对待
  • relation n. (常用复数)关系,交往
    • n. (不可数)关联,相似
    • in relation to/with 关于;涉及
      • The tilt of the line, in relation to the sun, causes the seasons. 这条线相对于太阳的倾斜导致了季节的更替。
        • tilt n. 倾斜
  • relative n. (可数)亲戚;亲属
    • adj. 相比较而言;比较;
    • adj. 相对的;相比之下有的;
    • relative to 按…的比例;与…相应;与…相关;有关;涉及
  • relationship n. (可数)(人们彼此的)关系,感情关系
    • n. (可数)浪漫关系;情爱关系;
    • 建立关系:build a relationship;develop a relationship;establish a relationship;form a relationship;have a relationship;
    • a close relationship(亲密关系);a long-standing relationship(长期关系);a working relationship(工作关系);a successful relationship(成功关系);
    • a relationship with someone(与某人有关系);a relationship between two things or people(两件事或两个人之间的关系,不能用 relationship to someone)
  • connection n.(可数)(与某人或某事的)联系
    • n. (事物间的)连接;联结;连接物
  • bond n. (可数)(亲近的)联系;关系;
    • the bonds of friendship / love 友谊的纽带 / 恋爱关系
  • ties n.(常用复数)纽带;关系;联系