B2 中高级
第 7 章:媒体和新闻

第 7 章:媒体和新闻

Reported speech

  • "The decision to divorce my husband has been very difficult." “做出与丈夫离婚的决定是非常艰难的。”(直接引语)
  • She admitted in an interview that the decision to divorce her husband had been very difficult.她在接受采访时承认,做出与丈夫离婚的决定是非常艰难的。(间接引语)


  • "I'm on the cover of the magazine." → She announced that she was on the cover of the magazine.
  • "We're shooting a film." → She said that they were shooting a film.
  • "I've broken up with my girlfriend." → He said he had broken up with his girlfriend.
  • "I was only talking to him, we're not a couple." → He said he had only been talking to him.
  • She complained that even in Hollywood women were getting paid less than men. 她抱怨道,即使在好莱坞,女性的收入也是低于男性的。

  • 不改变时态的情况

    • 立即发生的情况:What did she just say? She said she's going home.
    • 一般真理:The teacher said that wolves live in packs.
    • 没有过去式,比如 might、would、should、had better、used to、could、mustn't
      • The actor said he would never audition for this role.
  • must 可以换成使用 had to 来谈论「不得不」的情况

    • She said, "I must believe in myself more." → She said she had to/must believe in herself more.

to say

  • to apologise 道歉
  • to admit 承认
    • The actress admitted that she had been paying bribes to get her daughters into elite schools. 这位女演员承认,为了让自己的女儿就读于精英学校,她一直在行贿。
  • to deny 否认
  • to complain 抱怨
  • to insist 坚称
  • to promise 承诺
  • to be under the influence - to be affected by alcohol
  • to pit someone against someone - to cause a conflict between people
  • to stoop so low - to do something unethical
  • to vent your frustration - to do something to show your frustration


  • This article is about strawberries being contaminated in Australian farms. 本文讲的是澳大利亚农场的草莓受到了污染。
  • Fruit growers lost millions of dollars when needles inexplicably started appearing inside strawberries.
  • Shoppers found sewing needles inside the strawberries they had bought. 购物者在他们购买的草莓中发现了缝纫针。
  • In Queensland, an unfortunate customer discovered the strawberries he bought contained needles. 在昆士兰,一位不幸的顾客发现他购买的草莓内有针头。
  • a hoax 虚构的
  • copycats n. 盲目模仿者
  • to pull (stock) from the shelves 把(存货)撤下货架
  • farmers → fruit growers
  • to contaminate → to spike → to tamper (with)
  • prison sentence → to be behind bars
  • a punitive law → a stricter punishment
  • public anger → a furore
  • a crime → an offence (or "offense" in the US)
  • to wage a campaign 发起运动
    • We are waging a campaign against the company for better pay. 为了提高工资待遇,我们正在发起一场反对公司的运动。
  • The furore prompted the passage of a more punitive law. 公愤促使政府通过了一项更严厉的法律。


  • alleged adj. 声称的,所谓的
  • the prosecution 原告
    • The prosecution dropped the case against her. 原告撤销了对她的起诉。
  • It was stated that Ms Trinh was pleased that the case was dropped. 据报道,郑女士知道案件已撤销后感到很高兴。
  • It + to be + reporting verb (past participle) + that + sentence
    • It is said that a lack of protein can lead to hair loss.
    • It was claimed that the divorce settlement exceeded $10 million.
    • It has been reported that 80% of students miss online learning.
    • It's used to make our writing more formal and to avoid mentioning the speaker. 它旨在让我们的写作更正式,避免提及讲话者。


  • You can just see everything is wobbling on these things. 你只能看到宇宙飞船上的所有东西都在晃动。
  • So last Friday I went so see the new Star Wars movie, and I was pleasantly surprised – I really enjoyed it! 上个星期五,我去看了新的《星球大战》电影,一个意外的惊喜是——我非常喜欢这部电影!
  • I just love going to the cinema, it's the best way to experience an action film! 我只是喜欢去电影院,这是体验动作电影的最好方法!
  • Because, you know, in a PG 13 Star Wars movie you can’t really show the violence of a battle. 因为,你知道,在 PG 13 分级的《星球大战》电影中,无法真实展现战斗的暴力。
  • Basically, my favourite heroes in movies or books are those that I can, you know, identify with. They have to have human issues, otherwise I can't connect with them. 总的来说,在电影或图书里,我最喜欢那些能够让我感同身受的主人公。他们必须要面对普通人面对的问题,否则我就无法将自己与他们联系起来。
  • When you think of a hero, it's usually just the image of a strong warrior in battle that comes to mind. But actually, the most heroic characters are emotionally vulnerable in some way. 当你想到主人公时,脑海中出现的印象通常都是战斗中强大的勇士,但实际上,带有英雄气质的角色通常都在某种意义上有着脆弱的情感。

My favorite hero is Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. I admire her intelligence, bravery, and dedication to her friends. Hermione demonstrates that hard work and determination can overcome any obstacle, inspiring readers to believe in themselves.