B2 中高级
第 8 章:技术

第 8 章:技术


  • Rik can't be online now, he's in Australia and it's 3am there.
  • My notifications must be turned off, I didn't know about the email.
  • My payment must have failed. I haven't received a confirmation email. 我的付款一定失败了。我没有收到确认电子邮件。
  • They might have hacked my account; I don't recognise the recent transactions. 他们可能已经侵入了我的账户,我不知道最近做过这些交易。
  • She can't have lost her card, she used it this morning. 她不可能把卡丢了,她今天早上用过。

对于过去的推断,结构:"can't/must/might/could" + "have" + past participle

  • My payment must have failed = I'm sure that my payment failed.

  • The store might have closed, no one is answering the phone.

  • must've

  • could've

  • might've

You never know, this hacker might be very good at imitating me! 谁知道呢,这个黑客可能很擅长模仿我!


  • location tracking 位置跟踪
    • If you have location tracking turned on, Facebook collects an enormous amount of location data. 如果你启用位置跟踪,Facebook 会收集大量的位置数据。
  • to target someone 以某人为目标对象
  • to classify 分类
    • Facebook uses nearly 100 different data points to classify your interests and activities. Facebook 使用近 100 个不同的数据点对你的兴趣和活动进行分类。
  • to determine 确定
    • Facebook uses many different signals of what it knows about you to determine who else you might be connected to. Facebook 使用许多不同的讯息来了解你,以确定你可能还与谁有联系。
  • to tend to do something 想要做某事
  • controversial 有争议的
    • One of the most controversial parts of Facebook data collection is a feature called “People you may know”. 关于 Facebook 数据收集,最具争议的其中一个部分是一项名为“你可能认识的人”的功能。


  • targeted advertising 定向广告
    • Targeted advertising focuses on the specific traits, interests, and preferences of a consumer.定向广告侧重于消费者的特定特征、兴趣和偏好。
  • a target market 目标市场
  • a slogan 标语
  • a brand 品牌
  • a product launch 产品发布
    • My company has developed a new software and is planning a major product launch in the second quarter. 我的公司开发了一款新软件,计划在第二季度发布主要产品。
  • an advertising campaign 广告活动
  • an advertising agency 广告代理

To other people targeted advertising is a way to tailor ads to their needs. 而对其他人来说,定向广告是一种根据他们的需求推送广告的方式。