B2 中高级
第 4 章:转变

第 4 章:转变


  • gentrified /ˈdʒɛntrəˌfaɪ/ 中产阶级化

    • The neighbourhood of Queen Street West has been gentrified in the last few years. 皇后西街的社区在过去几年里已变得中产阶级化。
    • We often say that an area has been gentrified when people invest in new shops, restaurants and housing there.
  • sketchy 简陋的

    • We say an area is "sketchy" when it is unsafe. 当某个地区不安全时,我们说它“sketchy”(简陋的)。
  • gritty 艰难的

  • We use "gritty" to describe something with somewhat unpleasant features. 我们用“gritty”(艰难的)描述具有令人不快特征的事物。

  • an artist's hub 艺术家聚集地

    • We use the word "hub" to talk about a place with a lot of activity.
  • You get = there are……

    • You get clothing stroes you don't find other places in the city.
  • I wouldn’t really know how to identify the neighbourhood because of all the new condos that are literally going up across the street. 各种新公寓在街对面拔地而起,我真的都认不出这个社区了

    • condo n. (口)各户有独立产权的公寓(大楼)
  • I would say in the last 10 to 5 years it’s really developed and a lot of stores are moving in. 我想说,在过去的 10 到 5 年里,这里实现了蓬勃发展,许多商店纷纷入驻。


  • I would say in the last 10 to 5 years it’s really developed. 我想说,在过去的 10 到 5 年里,这里实现了蓬勃发展。
    • I would say..." or the shorter version, "I'd say...".
    • I'd say Queen Street West has been gentrified quite a bit.
  • If you're anti-mall, this area is perfect for you. 如果你不喜欢去大型购物中心购物,此地区是非常适合你的逛街之处。
  • We're big fans of the neighbourhood's unique flavour. 我们非常喜欢这个社区的独特风格。
  • My neighbourhood is very busy, but I like it that way. 我所在的社区非常热闹,但我喜欢这样。
  • I would say that the neighbourhood has become too expensive. 我想说,这一带的房价已经高得离谱
  • For me, Queen Street West is perfect. I'm a fan of its unique flavour. 在我看来,皇后西街非常棒。我很喜欢它的独特风格。


  • When we first opened, the neighbourhood was a little on the sketchy side… 我们第一次开张时,社区环境有点简陋……
  • This used to be a street that I wouldn’t even go to. 以前这条街我根本不会去。
  • I would walk my dog on Queen Street West every day when I lived there.
  • As more successful businesses have grown, other people have followed suit. 随着越来越多的企业成功发展壮大,其他人也纷纷效仿。
  • Lots of new buildings are going up across the street. 许多新建筑在街对面拔地而起。
  • The way I see it, this can only be a good thing. 在我看来,这百利无害。
  • I'm not anti-change, but I am also not a fan of all the people who come here on holiday. 我不反对改变,但我也无法欣然接受所有来这里度假的人。


In the past, my neighborhood was quite quiet and residential. There were mostly small houses and a few local shops. Recently, several new apartment buildings have been constructed, and more businesses have opened. A new park was also built last year. I'm a fan of some changes, like having more green space and dining options. However, I don't like that traffic has increased. Overall, I think the neighborhood is more lively now, and I like it that way, even if it's a bit noisier than before.