B2 中高级
第 5 章:将来

第 5 章:将来


  • By this time next year, I'll have completed my studies. 到明年这个时候,我就完成我的学业了。
  • My boyfriend will have met my entire family by Christmas. 我男朋友会在圣诞节前见我全家人。
  • They won't have finished the project by Monday. 他们无法在星期一前完成项目。
  • He will have finished the assignment by this evening. 他到今天晚上就会完成任务。
  • She won't have finished her book by this time next week. 到下周的这个时候,她无法写完她的书。
  • I won't have eaten by the time you get back. 你回来的时候我还没吃呢。


  • Do you have set plans for the future, or do you take life as it comes? 你会为未来制定计划?还是既来之则安之?
  • By the time I reach 35, I will have bought my first house. 到 35 岁时,我将买自己的第一套房子。
  • By the time I am seventy, I will have visited every continent. 到 70 岁时,我将走遍每个大洲。
  • What will I be doing this time next year? 明年的这个时候我在做什么?
  • "Will I be happy with the choices I am making now?" “我会对我现在所做的选择感到满意吗?”
  • The career path we choose to follow will have an impact on how our life evolves. 我们选择的职业道路将影响我们的生活如何发展。
  • I don't think I have any control over how my life evolves. 我认为我无法控制生活的发展。
    • evolve /iˈvɑːlv/ 进化,进展
  • The career path we choose to follow will have an impact on how our life evolves. 我们选择的职业道路将影响我们的生活如何发展。


By this time next year, I will have moved to a new city. I usually take life as it comes, but this move is part of my plan. I want to start a new job that I really like. Moving will be hard because I'll leave my friends. But I'm excited about the change. I hope to make new friends and learn new things in my new home. This plan helps me shape my future while still being open to surprises.


By this time next year, I will have moved to a new city to pursue my dream job. While I generally try to go with the flow in life, I've realized that some goals require careful planning and deliberate action.

For the past few years, I've been working in a job that, while stable, hasn't truly ignited my passion. I've always dreamed of working in environmental conservation, and I've finally decided to take the leap. I've researched organizations in my field, updated my resume, and started networking with professionals in the industry.

The move won't be easy. I'll be leaving behind friends and familiar surroundings. However, I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. By this time next year, I hope to be settled in my new home, making a positive impact in my chosen field, and perhaps even exploring new hobbies that my current lifestyle doesn't allow for.

While I believe in being adaptable and open to life's surprises, I've learned that sometimes you need to create your own opportunities. This planned move is my way of steering my life in a direction that aligns with my values and aspirations. It's a balance between taking life as it comes and actively shaping my future.


  • By 9pm I will have been working for 2 hours. 到晚上 9 点,我已经工作了 2 个小时了。

will have been + ing

  • In June, I will have been living in London for 6 months. 到 6 月份,我就在伦敦住了 6 个月了。
  • We will have been living together for a year in March. 到 3 月份,我们就在一起住了一年了。