B2 中高级
第 3 章:生活方式

第 3 章:生活方式


  • For many people, hygge is about cosiness and comfort. 对于许多人来说,hygge 的意思是舒适惬意。
    • That content, snug feeling has a name in Danish – 'hygge'. 这种满足、舒适的感觉在丹麦语中有一个名字——「hygge」。
    • cosiness 舒适
    • Burning candles creates a feeling of cosiness.

The word hygge has no direct translation, but it is the idea of comfort, contentment and feeling cosy.

  • Hygge involves a bit of indulgence. hygge 含有些许放纵的意味。

  • Cake is my favourite indulgence! 蛋糕是我最喜欢的享受!

  • Creating warmth is a big part of hygge. 创造温暖是 hygge 的重要组成部分。

  • Denmark has cold winters, so creating warmth at home is essential! 丹麦的冬天很冷,所以在家里创造温暖必不可少!

  • I feel a sense of gratitude when I am with my friends. 当我和朋友们在一起的时候,我感到很感恩。

  • It’s the idea of being surrounded by the people you love, of indulgence, warmth, cosiness and gratitude. 这是一种有所爱之人围绕在旁的感觉,一种放纵、温暖、舒适和感恩的感觉。


  • Hygge is part of Danish culture, but it by people all over the world. Hygge 是丹麦文化的组成部分,但全世界的人都在践行这种生活态度。

We use the passive when we want to focus on who receives the action, not who does the action.

  • Hygge has been called the "pursuit of everyday happiness". 所谓 Hygge,就是“追求日常生活中的幸福”。
  • The Danes are known for their happiness. 丹麦人的幸福感闻名于世。



  • Since putting that mask on I actually wake up super early. 自从用了那款睡眠眼罩以来,我每天都起得很早。
  • I actually wake up super early (cause)...this allowed me to go back to boxing (effect).
  • This allowed me to go back to boxing now. 这让我能有时间重返拳击场。


  • Work is, you know, going well. 你知道的,作品进展还算可以吧。
    • You know 类似 umm 或者 err
    • I've been, you know, really busy studying after work.
  • Apart from that, everything's okay. 其他的一切都还算不错。
  • That's the thing, I don't have time! 就是这样,我没有时间了!
  • That's the thing... (before introducing a problem.)
    • I'd love to exercise more, but I am too busy at work.
    • ➡️ That's the thing! I don't have time to work out every day. 就是这样!我没有时间每天锻炼。
  • To be honest, I've been feeling quite low. 老实说,我一直觉得很低落。
  • I suppose a holiday would be good for me. 我想,休个假应该对我有好处。
  • Come to the party! It will be fun. Yeah, I suppose so. 来参加派对吧!会很有意思的。嗯,我想会的。


  • I feel like it's been ages... 我感觉已经过了很久了…...
    • You might hear people say "I feel like..." to talk about something they believe to be true (but aren't certain of).
    • ➡️ I'm not sure, but I feel like it's in May.
  • Long time no see! 好久不见!
  • What’s been happening on your end? 你怎么样啊?
    • What's been happening in your life?
    • ➡️ Everything's good on my end.
  • Same old, same old! 老样子!
  • Great to see that, and great to hear that. 看到和听到这些真高兴。
  • Great to hear that! 听你这么说,我很开心!
  • I'll let you go then. 那我不打扰你了。


  • At first I was feeling pretty terrified about it to be honest. 说实话,一开始我感到很害怕。
  • Since I started practising, I've been feeling a lot calmer about it. 自从我开始练习以来,我的心态已经平和多了。
  • How's everything on your end? 你在那边一切都好吗?
  • Because I've been eating healthily and doing more exercise, I'm super energetic! 因为我一直吃得很健康,而且加强了锻炼 我的精力超级充沛!


Mattias: Hi Joe! How's everything going? It's been ages since we last spoke, so I thought I'd say hi.

I've been quite busy at university recently, but, you know, I'm enjoying it. Because I'm studying a lot in the mornings I have time to play basketball in the afternoon, which is great!

Apart from that, it's just same old, same old. Speak soon!

  • It was really great to hear about your promotion at work. 听到你在工作上晋升的消息,实在是太棒了。

Long time no see! Recently I've been making some positive changes in my life. I started going to the gym three times a week to improve my fitness. I've also been reading more books in the evenings instead of watching TV. To feel more energized, I've been trying to go to bed earlier, aiming for 10 PM most nights. These small changes have really boosted my mood and productivity.