B2 中高级
第 1 章:体验

第 1 章:体验



  • I'm gonna try Ethiopian food for the first time. 我将首次试吃埃塞俄比亚食物。
    • Ethiopian /ˌiθiˈopiən/
    • going to
  • I really wanna master French cuisine. 我真的很想成为法国菜的大师。
    • want to
    • cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ n. 烹饪艺术
  • I kinda like Indian food, but only if it's not too spicy. 我有点喜欢印度菜,但前提是不要太辣。
    • kind of
  • It tastes, like, a little sweeter than I expected. 它尝起来比我想象的更甜一些。
    • like 被大量用于交流中
    • 类似 well 或者 er...(额)
    • Do you, like, melt the sugar, or just heat it a little bit?
    • I, like, didn't wanna be rude, so I ate the sushi, even though I really, like, hate it.


  • Have you tried Korean food before? 你之前尝试过韩国料理吗?

    • I haven't ever tried Korean food. 我还没尝试过韩国料理。
  • Have you ever tasted anything like this before? 你以前吃过这类食物吗?

    • Oh my god! I've never tasted tomatoes like these before. 哦,天哪!我之前从没尝过这样的西红柿。
    • No, this is totally unique. I've never tasted anything this good. 没吃过,味道很独特。我从来没吃过这么好吃的食物。
  • Wow! This is the worst meal I've ever eaten.

  • Oh my god! This is the best meal I've ever eaten.


  • Wow! 哇!
    • Wow! These donuts are delicious!
    • Wow! I've never tasted such a spicy sauce. I might need some water!(表达正面还是负面取决于你的声调)
  • Oh my god! 天啊!
    • Oh my god, this chocolate mousse is so light! Wow!
    • Oh my god! I've never tasted such fresh sushi! 我的天啊!我从没吃过这么新鲜的寿司!
  • That's fantastic! 棒极了!
    • That naan's fantastic – it's so fluffy! 那馕饼棒极了,口感太松软了!
    • fluffy /ˈflʌfi/ adj. 蓬松的;
  • This is pretty incredible! 这真是难以置信!
    • Oh my god, this sauce tastes incredible. 我的天啊,酱汁味道好极了。


  • Rice is a staple in Asian cuisine. 大米是亚洲菜肴中的主食。
    • a staple /ˈsteɪpl/ n. 主食
  • You can get authentic Turkish food in London. 你可以在伦敦吃到正宗的土耳其美食。
    • authentic /ɔːˈθentɪk/ adj. 真的, 真正的
  • These crepes have turned out really well! 这些可丽饼做得真好!
    • to turn out 结果不错
    • This cheesecake didn't turn out so well. I burned the top of it! 这个奶酪蛋糕做得不太好。我把上面烤焦了!
  • "Bulgur wheat" is a staple ingredient in my culture. “布格麦”在我们文化中是主要的食材。


Rice is a staple dish in my country. We eat it every day, in many different ways like steamed, fried, or as porridge. During festivals, we make special rice dishes.